WordPress MU Review

Posted on November 2006 at about 3:07 AM by hwa

Remember that few days ago i mentioned about playing around with WodPress MU? Now i have a very simple yet straight forward conclusion on how i think about WordPress MU.

Honestly and seriously, i’m kind of disappointed with WordPress MU 1.0, it’s not because of the features, WordPress MU has all the features that a blogging software need to have, my brother even says that it’s better then Blogger.

But the thing i’m disappointed about WordPress MU is because it’s too rely on the administrator’s server skills. If you are going to host WordPress MU, you need to have a lot of control over your server, and know your server very well, for example if you want subdomain for all your users, then you have to enable Wildcard DNS, to do this you have to gain access to alter the httpd.conf, which to me is impossible because my hosting is shared hosting. 🙁

I really hope that there will be a workaround for this, or better solution in the future release, to me WordPress is the best piece of software for blogging purpose, and i hope that i can share the best part of WordPress together with my friends and my family. But for now, one thing for sure is that WordPress MU aren’t meant for those who want to manage a small size multiuser blogging service just for the sake of having fun with it.

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