Posts Tagged ‘Fix’

WordPress MU 1.2

Posted on March 2007 at about 5:17 AM by hwa

WordPress MU 1.2 just released not long ago, according to Donncha, most of the changes are bug fixes, but there are some security fix as well, so it’s advised that all the WordPress MU user upgrade to the latest version! And if you encounter any problems, please go to WordPress MU forum.

Apparently there are some problems with the theme in WordPress MU 1.2, but worry not! Because version 1.2.1 is here!! 😆 So if you upgrade from 1.2, all you have to do is just change the following files:

  • wp-admin/themes.php
  • htaccess.dist
  • wp-includes/version.php
  • wp-admin/admin-db.php
  • wp-admin/themes.php
  • wp-admin/wpmu-themes.php

Oh and don’t forget to go "Site Admin > Themes" and click save to update the theme list! 😉

WordPress 2.0.7 And bbPress 0.75

Posted on January 2007 at about 1:12 AM by hwa

Today WordPress just released it latest version, WordPress 2.0.7, this release is mainly focus on security fix in a PHP bug, the FeedBurner issue in WordPress 2.0.6 also solved in this version. Other changes are:

  • Security fix for wp_unregister_GLOBALS() to work around the zend_hash_del_key_or_index bug in PHP 4 versions less than 4.4.3 and PHP 5 versions less than 5.1.4 with register_globals set to “On.”
  • Feeds now properly serve 304 Not Modified headers instead of mismatched 200/304 headers (a.k.a. the FeedBurner bug).
  • Backport of another 304 Not Modified fix from WordPress 2.1
  • Deleting WordPress Pages no longer gives an “Are You Sure?” prompt.
  • After deleting a WordPress Page, you are now properly redirected to the Edit Pages screen.
  • Sending an image at original size in Internet Explorer no longer adds an incorrect “height” attribute.

You can download the latest version of WordPress at here, or head over to Mark’s blog to get the necessary upgrade file if you are upgrading from WordPress 2.0.6.

Mark also mention in WordPress development blog that the next major release of WordPress (WordPress 2.1) will be out soon by the end of this month.

Other than that bbPress 0.75 also released today, same like WordPress 2.0.7 one of the major fix is the PHP bug. To download latest version of bbPress please go here.

Updated To WordPress 2.0.6 And FeedBurner Fix

Posted on January 2007 at about 1:18 AM by hwa

Just updated my WordPress to the latest version, WordPress 2.0.6, and also applied the FeedBurner fix, where sometime FeedBurner will return an error telling that you have invalid xml, or an error message like below:

Your server disconnected us before sending the full source feed content. If your blogging platform is TextPattern, this is a known bug, and a fix can be found here:

Here’s an explanation from NeoSmart:


FeedBurner uses something called “Conditional Get requests” to ask your server whether or not the page has changed since the last it viewed it, in order to save you some bandwidth. Depending on how popular your site is, FeedBurner may hit up your feed up to hundreds of times a day, so this is a really good idea! Unfortunately, in WordPress 2.0.6, your site doesn’t respond in a way that FeedBurner recognizes. The 304 headers it sends back to let it know that the content hasn’t changed are malformed and corrupt – and FeedBurner has no idea what they mean.

To fix this problems is easy, all you have to just open up your functions.php inside your wp-includes folder, go to line 2231, 2233 and 2234 and comment out this three lines, like below:

  1. ...
  2. //if ( substr(php_sapi_name(), 0, 3) == 'cgi' )
  3.     @header("HTTP/1.1 $header $text");
  4. //else
  5.     //@header("Status: $header $text");
  6. ...

That should fix your feed problem, there are a few more solutions from Mark Jaquith and NeoSmart, head over to their blog and find the one suit you most! 🙂

AdSense-Deluxe And ButtonSnap Fix

Posted on November 2006 at about 1:23 AM by hwa

If you are using AdSense-Deluxe together with other WordPress plugins that is using ButtonSnap Class Library to create Quicktags button for WordPress Editor, then most probably the buttons created by ButtonSnap won’t show up.

However, after playing around with the JavaScipt inside AdSense-Deluxe (shame to say that i’m not very familiar with JavaScipt 😳 ), finally i came out a solution that’s extremely easy and still maintain the AdSense-Deluxe drop down option in WordPress Editor.

Follow these simple step to do the AdSense-Deluxe and ButtonSnap fix:

Step 1: Open up adsense-deluxe.php with your favorite editor, then search for the following two line.

  1. if (document.getElementById('quicktags') != undefined){
  2. document.getElementById('quicktags').innerHTML +=
  3. ...

Step 2: Then replace the quicktags with ed_toolbar, become like this.

  1. if (document.getElementById('ed_toolbar') != undefined){
  2. document.getElementById('ed_toolbar').innerHTML +=
  3. ...

After that you are done, the button created by ButtonSnap should appear together with AdSense-Deluxe drop down option.

Notes: I tried this plugin in WordPress 2.1 Ella but it doesn’t work for me, so i guess this fix doesn’t apply to WordPress 2.1.

WordPress 2.0.5 Server 500 Error Fix

Posted on October 2006 at about 11:26 PM by hwa

WordPress 2.0.5 released three days ago, while most of the WordPress user are now writing their blog with peace of mind, some of them are having the server 500 error. According to Mark Jaquith, it’s due to the bug that was reported for WordPress 2.1.

Fixing this error is some what easy, for it’s fixable just by installing a plugin, below are the step to fix this error.

  1. Download this plugin.
  2. Upload it to your WordPress plugins folder.
  3. Activate the plugin.

However if you get an error message after logging in to your admin panel and cannot click the Plugins tab, just type “{WPDIR}/wp-admin/plugins.php” into your address bar and press enter, and this should fix the problem.