Good Bye Betsy
11/11/2007 ~ 17/04/2010
I’m sorry…
Since 02-Dec-2001
11/11/2007 ~ 17/04/2010
I’m sorry…
Remember that i mentioned i got another new Star Tortoise the other day?? Well now finally i had chosen a name for it, please welcome Betsy!! And not only that, i also uploaded some picture of it in my Gallery, together with my Betty~~! 😳
Today (11/11/2007) i add another Star Tortoise into my collection! Before this i only have one Star Tortoise but now i have two!!! 😀 So far i haven’t got any name for this Star yet, so for now i will refer it as Big Betty!! 😆 😆
Bought for RM150 from Pet Safari, this is actually staff price, i got it from one of my friend working there, the original price was RM230, to me it’s consider cheap for pet shop but still i think there should be some other places sell a little bit cheaper than this.
Sorry for not including any picture of it, the Star still very shy, i think it would be better to leave it alone for a few days. 🙂
Guess what guys! It’s 1 year anniversary since i bought Betty!! 😯 So… Happy birthday to Betty!! 😆 If you guys wonder who is Betty, let me tell you, Betty is my cute little Star Tortoise. 😳
Time passed so fast, it’s already been a year since i bought Betty home, a lot of thing happen throughout the year, especially the time when she was sick and i have to bring her to vet, really scared me out though, and i learned a lot of thing on how to taking care of tortoises and as well as understand how sensitive these animal towards to their environments.
Sad that there are no birthday party for this poor little tortoise, people will think that i must be crazy. However, i will give her a portion of apple to remember the day. 🙂
Here is one of the early picture of Betty, please head over to my gallery for more Betty pictures!!
Something that i uploaded in YouTube for quite some time ago, it’s a video record showing that my Betty is running! 😀
Run Betty run!!
And who say tortoises are slow? 😉
Added some new picture into my Gallery, so please go check it out. 🙂
Just got a shocking news from my friend, saying that her Radiated Tortoise just died, been bitten by some other animal, half of the head gone! 😥
I can’t believe this, just one month ago i brought this little Radiated back hometown and pass it to it’s owner, at that time the little Radiated looks healthy and eat quite a lot, and even spent a night in my house! Together with my Betty. But now it’s gone, everything happen so suddenly. 🙁
I don’t dare to ask too much about the Radiated, but from what i know so far, the Radiated been bitten by some other animal while it’s sun bathing, most probably bitten by mouse or birds, i don’t know. It’s an accident, no one should be blame for this.
This page is dedicated to our little Radiated, rest in peace little fella… 😥