Adding Google And Slashdot To Sociable
To add Google and Slashdot into your Sociable WordPress Plugin, please do the following:
To add Slashdot into your Sociable, copy and paste to following code into the “$sociable_builtin_known_sites” array in “sociable.php”:
- 'Slashdot' => Array(
- 'favicon' => 'slashdot.png',
- 'url' => '
- url=PERMALINK&title=TITLE',
- ),
Next copy and paste the following into “$sociable_files” array:
- 'images/slashdot.png',
Then save the Slashdot icon below and upload it into “sociable/images/” in your WordPress plugin folder.
After that go to “Admin->Options->Sociable” and click “Restore Built-in Defaults” for the icon to appear in the option page.
To add Google, copy and paste the following code into the “$sociable_builtin_known_sites” array in “sociable.php”:
- 'Google' => Array(
- 'favicon' => 'google.png',
- 'url' => '
- feedurl=PERMALINK&blocked=TITLE',
- ),
Next copy and paste the following into the “$sociable_files” array:
- 'images/google.png',
Save the following Google icon and upload to “sociable/images/” in your WordPress plugin folder.
Lastly go to “Admin->Options->Sociable” and click “Restore Built-in Defaults” for the icon to appear in the option page.
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