WordPress “You don’t have permission to do that.” Bug

Posted on March 2007 at about 7:17 PM by hwa

It had been quite some time i didn’t write anything since the last WordPress update, which is WordPress 2.1.2, but today when i was trying to delete the spam comment, i found a bug that already been in WordPress for like don’t know since which version already.

Basically the bug will just interrupt you and say “You don’t have permission to do that.” when you are trying to delete a comment or adding/removing a category, then of course you can’t delete the comment and do anything with category.

However i can still delete the comment in mass edit mode without any problem, i’m guessing that this must have some issues with AJAX or something, because when in mass edit mode it doesn’t deal with AJAX and everything is working fine.

There already been quite many report regarding this matter, and i hope that the WordPress team will solve this problem as soon as possible.

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