What Is FlatPress?

Posted on January 2007 at about 5:00 PM by hwa

I remember that few years back, where people just get to know PHP, and CGI was still ruling the internet, back at that time many web application was using a very special kind of primitive database, called flat-file database.

A flat-file database is a kind of database that is made from text, mean that you can open and see what is inside the database by using any text editor, there’s no complicated SQL command or whatever, just a simple text file, and all your data are stored into this text file. Well, basically that’s the idea.

But of course there’s a drawback with flat-file, a major one is flat-file database is extremely slow.

So what is FlatPress? FlatPress is a version of WordPress that doesn’t require any MySQL database, it use flat-file database to store data. This could be very useful if you are looking for an economic web hosting plan, or you can even find a free web hosting to host your WordPress as long as it support PHP.

According to NoWhereMan, the FlatPress developer, only the simplest plugin will work with FlatPress, however Akismet and some simple theme will still work with FlatPress.

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