Archive for the ‘WordPress’ Category

WordPress 2.0.2

Posted on March 2006 at about 6:25 AM by hwa

WordPress update!! This version fixed some bugs and a very important security issues, according to WordPress team, the problems addressed are unannounced XSS issues.

You can get your copy of WordPress 2.0.2 at here, and the upgrade instruction from version 2.0.1 to version 2.0.2 at here.

Update: Just update to version 2.0.2, works like a charm~~ :mrgreen:

WordPress 2.0.1

Posted on February 2006 at about 2:32 AM by hwa

WordPress 2.0.1!! With 114 bugs fixed claim by them, and below are some of the major changes:

  • You can now specify an upload directory, and whether to use date-based storage or not.
  • Caching has been fixed under certain PHP environments.
  • Permalinks have been fixed for weird environments as well.
  • XML-RPC uploading works.
  • Compatibility with older versions of PHP.
  • Several WYSIWYG fixes and cleanups.
  • Imports now use much less memory.
  • Now works with MySQL 5.0 in strict mode.

Grab your self a copy from here!!

WordPress v2.0

Posted on January 2006 at about 6:24 AM by hwa

Just upgraded mine to version 2.0, although there are not much changes at the main page, but from the admin page here the whole thing are redesigned, a lot more better than last time… :mrgreen:

However since this is a major upgrade, a lot of plugin cannot been used anymore. 🙁

Anyway go here to download your latest version of WordPress!

WordPress 1.5.2

Posted on August 2005 at about 7:23 PM by hwa

Well you see the topic, and now you know what you going to do next. 😉 And here’s the link to download the latest version of WordPress.

Edit: Just upgrade mine to version 1.5.2 😎


Posted on July 2005 at about 5:46 PM by hwa

Hmm… WordPress got upgrade again, this time is

From the official site it mention something about security issues, so i guess we have to update it anyway. Well!! The WordPress people say if anyone of you unable to update it in a short-term, try to delete the xmlrpc.php file from your WordPress directory.

I guess that’s it for now… 😆

WordPress 1.5.1

Posted on May 2005 at about 11:16 PM by hwa

WordPress 1.5.1 is out for grab now!! Click here to download the latest version!! For those who are going to upgrade from WordPress 1.5 then please read this first!!

The new release is basically fixed some bug, according to WordPress there are almost 170 bugs fixed and an important security fix.

As for me! Hehe i just upgraded my blog to WordPress 1.5.1 woohoo~~! 😆