Blog Title

Posted on September 2006 at about 7:38 AM by hwa

Lately i had been actively update my blog, adding stuffs and so on to helps improve the traffics, i tried not to make any crucial changes in order to keep the originality, but suddenly i feel i need to change the blog title to better suit my blog identity.

I decided to change my blog title to because the previous one doesn’t suit my blog at all! I know by doing this will give a big impact to my blog especially the traffics, but still i feel that it will be better to change my blog title.

Guess that’s it! From now on my blog will known as same like my domain, so to those who subscribed my previous FeedBurner feed, please resubscribe with the new one here, sorry for the trouble.

*sign* a lots of thing need to do now in order to get back my traffics. 🙁

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