AdSense-Deluxe And ButtonSnap Fix

Posted on November 2006 at about 1:23 AM by hwa

If you are using AdSense-Deluxe together with other WordPress plugins that is using ButtonSnap Class Library to create Quicktags button for WordPress Editor, then most probably the buttons created by ButtonSnap won’t show up.

However, after playing around with the JavaScipt inside AdSense-Deluxe (shame to say that i’m not very familiar with JavaScipt 😳 ), finally i came out a solution that’s extremely easy and still maintain the AdSense-Deluxe drop down option in WordPress Editor.

Follow these simple step to do the AdSense-Deluxe and ButtonSnap fix:

Step 1: Open up adsense-deluxe.php with your favorite editor, then search for the following two line.

  1. if (document.getElementById('quicktags') != undefined){
  2. document.getElementById('quicktags').innerHTML +=
  3. ...

Step 2: Then replace the quicktags with ed_toolbar, become like this.

  1. if (document.getElementById('ed_toolbar') != undefined){
  2. document.getElementById('ed_toolbar').innerHTML +=
  3. ...

After that you are done, the button created by ButtonSnap should appear together with AdSense-Deluxe drop down option.

Notes: I tried this plugin in WordPress 2.1 Ella but it doesn’t work for me, so i guess this fix doesn’t apply to WordPress 2.1.

2 Responses to “AdSense-Deluxe And ButtonSnap Fix”

  1. Even Bal Says:

    Thanks for this fix. I made a try and it worked perfectly.

  2. hwa Says:

    glad to know that the fix really works 🙂

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