Posts Tagged ‘Update’

Minor Theme Update

Posted on January 2007 at about 1:44 AM by hwa

Now that if you haven’t notice this, i did a minor update to my current theme, changed a bit the sidebar as well as a whole new date design in each post. 😉

WP Grins 1.3

Posted on January 2007 at about 1:04 AM by hwa

WP Grins 1.3 by Alex King just released today! The old version doesn’t work in WordPress 2.1 but this one does.

WP Grins is one of the earliest plugins that i installed into my blog, it create a line of click able smilies below your editor so that you can put WordPress smilies by clicking on them, very convenience though, instead of memorizing all the BBcode.

One of the biggest changes in this version is that it’s now become a “pure plugin” like Alex King said, before this you have to do a little hack to your WordPress files for the smilies to appear in your editor, but now all you have to do just activate the plugin and the smilies will appear below your editor. 😉

WordPress 2.0.7 And bbPress 0.75

Posted on January 2007 at about 1:12 AM by hwa

Today WordPress just released it latest version, WordPress 2.0.7, this release is mainly focus on security fix in a PHP bug, the FeedBurner issue in WordPress 2.0.6 also solved in this version. Other changes are:

  • Security fix for wp_unregister_GLOBALS() to work around the zend_hash_del_key_or_index bug in PHP 4 versions less than 4.4.3 and PHP 5 versions less than 5.1.4 with register_globals set to “On.”
  • Feeds now properly serve 304 Not Modified headers instead of mismatched 200/304 headers (a.k.a. the FeedBurner bug).
  • Backport of another 304 Not Modified fix from WordPress 2.1
  • Deleting WordPress Pages no longer gives an “Are You Sure?” prompt.
  • After deleting a WordPress Page, you are now properly redirected to the Edit Pages screen.
  • Sending an image at original size in Internet Explorer no longer adds an incorrect “height” attribute.

You can download the latest version of WordPress at here, or head over to Mark’s blog to get the necessary upgrade file if you are upgrading from WordPress 2.0.6.

Mark also mention in WordPress development blog that the next major release of WordPress (WordPress 2.1) will be out soon by the end of this month.

Other than that bbPress 0.75 also released today, same like WordPress 2.0.7 one of the major fix is the PHP bug. To download latest version of bbPress please go here.

WordPress 2.0.3

Posted on June 2006 at about 11:47 PM by hwa

WordPress 2.0.3 is out!! Actually it already out for about a month ago, but recently i am changing to a new host, so can’t really update my blog.

Anyway you can download it at here, and for the upgrade instruction please go here, and if you are upgrading from WordPress 2.0.2, there’s a special instruction at here.

And lastly, enjoy^^ 😉