Hotmail Sucks!!

Posted on April 2005 at about 6:28 PM by hwa

Today when i woke up and saw my MSN Messenger is disconnected, so like many other people will do, i reconnect it back.

While connecting, my MSN telling me that i have an email, so as usual i just click on it and check my mail, and when i logged in and saw there is only one mail and the mail is actually from Hotmail staff telling me that my Hotmail is approaching limits.


Oh gosh!! Why?? Why until now Hotmail size still 2MB?? i mean Google increase their email size to 2GB (hooray~~!), while Yahoo now is already 250MB. But why Hotmail still maintain the poor eeny weenie teeny tiny 2MB??

What can i store with 2MB?? Email from my friends in oversea with their pictures telling how wonderful their life are, some chain email with some nice little cursed words at the end of the email, and my mail box will start to BOOM!

Forget to mention i stop using Hotmail for quite a long time ago, and only use this mail for register purpose, which mean this email will have lots of spam and advertisement, so i blocked every mail from entering my inbox. But small storage mean i have to delete mails always right? I still have to delete my junk mails yo!!

Nowadays there are so many email service provider giving out more than 2MB storage, if you go and Google it u can easily find email with at least 10MB or something. But the stingy Hotmail still in 2MB?? Aren’t they a bit out of date?? An email service provided by one of the leading company giving out such stingy deal??

Ok ok!! i know it’s free, I’m using the free email service from Hotmail. But yahoo is free also am i right! And not forget to mention Google is free as well???

Oh please MSN!! Do something for your pity Hotmail, your Hotmail ain’t hot no more.

3 Down 2 To Go!!

Posted on April 2005 at about 5:06 PM by hwa

Yeah~!! Just finish my exam and come back from campus. Finally more than half of my exam is finished, feeling so good! haha 😛

Well, the next exam will be on next Wednesday, so i still got four days to rest, err… I mean study. 😀

But for now! I just want to sit back and relax, maybe i will take a nap 😛 yeah after playing some games, but before that I’m thinking of watching some anime… Lolz! Life so fun when there’s nothing to worry about!!

Final Conclusion For Slow Internet Access

Posted on April 2005 at about 5:59 PM by hwa

This is what i get from my university’s bulletin board regarding the slow Internet access.

Internet users in Malaysia may experience some delay when assessing websites hosted outside of Malaysia / Singapore. This is due to a cable failure in the Asia Pacific Cable Network-2 (APCN-2) reported on 7 April 2005.

And this conclude why the Internet access is damn slow this few days.

For more information please visit:
TMnet News
Jaring Announcements

Connections Back To Normal

Posted on April 2005 at about 3:11 PM by hwa

The time now is 3pm something, and i don’t know what happen, the connection is back to OK stage.

I mean, suddenly the connection is back to normal, not fast, but normal, at least i can write my blog and refresh the page in a satisfaction speed, and also i can go to my favorite forum… AT LAST!!!

Well i still experience a little bit lag here, especially when i login to my Gmail where as usual, i have to wait for quite some time in order for the mail to load.

Oh well!! Can’t complain too much, TMnet bring back the speed is consider ok already, because before this i don’t know until when i have to suffer. As for whether they got upgrade their line or not, i don’t think so. 😛

So It’s Not Only Me…

Posted on April 2005 at about 11:35 PM by hwa

Latest news about the crappy connection!! Looks like it’s not only me who face this problem, but people from all over Malaysia!! (i think :P) Just now my friend from Cheras ask me whether got lag or not and i said YES!!! I asked my brother which now in Perak and he say the same thing, and he couldn’t login to Friendster!!

Don’t know what TMnet is up to this time, they better have a good reason for this, hopefully they are upgrading their cable or whatever… 😛

Crappy Connections!!

Posted on April 2005 at about 9:48 PM by hwa

I don’t know what on earth is going on today!! Start from last night, my Internet connection keep on disconnecting, and the server keep on down!! Damn!! And if it’s on, the speed are so slow that the download speed i get from my Flashget is only 2kb/s??? this is worst than dial up!!!

Oh please I’m living in Cyberjaya, where the connection suppose to be super fast. I mean, Cyberjaya is consider as one of the most high tech town in Malaysia with all the fiber optic whatever connection… But this is what i get?? Now i can’t hardly update my anti virus!!! Yeah and of course I’m having trouble to post this blog too!!! argh~~!!

First Post

Posted on April 2005 at about 12:02 AM by hwa

Ah~~! Finally i manage to setup my very own blog, ooo yeah~~

Yeah i know the interface are sucks, but you see i don’t have much time now because I’m having my final exam, yeah right I’m suppose to study right now… DAMN!! So for the time being this will be my blog design.

But anyway!! Having final exam mean holiday is coming ain’t I’m right?!! Haha! So i guess by then i will design a better interface. So stay tune and keep your ass updated!